Biscocho Haus is not only a pasalubong shop (think butterscotch, yemas, buttered toast and biscocho) for some of their branches serve short orders. Among the food they serve, I love their dinugu-an and pata. But I haven't been to Biscocho Haus for a long time to eat (but for pasalubong, yes).

But of course, there wasn't any camp fire at the Atria branch of Biscocho House nor we did some roasting. The Campfire S'more came in a skillet covered with perfectly "roasted" marshmallows with the graham crackers on the side. And instead of eating it like a sandwich, one uses the crackers to scoop the mallows that stand on a "pool" of melted chocolate! A novelty that Ilonggos are curious to try!
So it it tasted? The combination was good as it is but the chocolate didn't seem what I expected. To start with, I was full that time from a dinner minutes before so I wasn't really in the mood to have another bite. But this was something I've been curious to try and since it was just a few steps away - I grabbed the chance. So the chocolate seemed to be just ordinary tasting (well, the dessert costs only PhP 90) so I can't expect more but the dessert combo was good enough to satisfy my cravings. And maybe I'll find some time to try it again. Who knows, my taste buds would taste something better.