It was the Holy Week last 2008 when I first heard of a seafood batchoy to be served on a limited basis by Deco's. But luck ran out for since I went to Mindanao then and when I came back, the run was over. So it was just in my dreams and hopes that it will be back, no matter when, who how, why, where, etc.

And I had the widest grin upon seeing this on Facebook that I immediately marked the date. Marina Seafoods is already an institution in Iloilo City and is among the more successful Ilonggo businesses that has ventured out of Iloilo City. It was synonymous as the party place and "gimikan" prior to the emergence of the likes of Barracks and eventually Smallville.
It has a wide array of Ilonggo dishes and specialties that wherever you are, it almost tastes like home. I even had dinner and breakfast at Marina when I was in Manila last year. And they had this fantastic KBL and laswa that looks good btu tastes even better.
But before I start my litany on the good eats I had, despite Marina's popularity as a destination or the foods it serve, they are not known for batchoy. So this comes as a surprise top see them having this dish included on its menu.
But I'm not complaining, that at last I will certainly be able to have an idea, taste and most importantly BLOG about a seafood batchoy! (Yup, blogging is more important than eating-LOL ).
24 days to go ...
It has a wide array of Ilonggo dishes and specialties that wherever you are, it almost tastes like home. I even had dinner and breakfast at Marina when I was in Manila last year. And they had this fantastic KBL and laswa that looks good btu tastes even better.
But before I start my litany on the good eats I had, despite Marina's popularity as a destination or the foods it serve, they are not known for batchoy. So this comes as a surprise top see them having this dish included on its menu.
But I'm not complaining, that at last I will certainly be able to have an idea, taste and most importantly BLOG about a seafood batchoy! (Yup, blogging is more important than eating-LOL ).
24 days to go ...