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Chicken "binakol"

Aside from inasal, another popular and (almost) famous chicken dish from Western Visayas is chicken binakol. It's basically like tinola but what makes it unique is the addition of coconut water and meat. Thus it gives a more refreshing, lighter and sweeter flavour to the dish. Now most restaurants serve binakol and claims being authentic but in fact what they do is throw in some chicken and vegetables and put generous amount of coconut meat and water for their "binakol". Like this one I had last week, the essence of the native dish was literally lost as it "bastardized" the recipe by adding bell peppers among others. I love bell peppers but NOT with my binakol! The broth was literally coconut water for I never tasted even hints of salt and other seasoning. But it was a well presented chicken "binakol" and is very photogenic but NOT the real thing.