I don't know what what fascinates me about these noodles but every time I find myself at Mandarin Tea Garden at SM City Iloilo, I always go a bowl of theirs noodles. No matter what the other "add-ons" are to the noodles, its the pancit that makes me crave and rave for a bowl.

As always, I order and extra bowl of noodles just to satisfy my appetite for their thin and flavourful noodles. So what you see here in the bowl actually has serving of noodles I fished out from another order of mine on top of a bola-bola sio pao I ordered on the side.
Beef with Ampalaya - I wonder if I could also order additional ampalaya to go with this dish since I think I got all the ampalaya on this plate
Pancit Canton or whatever they called it, just right mix of meat, veggies and noodles.
Scallops with no need to scratch them of their shells!
An order of Chop Suey just to add more vegetables on the table
Soy Chicken? Another order I forgot the name but the taste memories still lives on my taste buds.
And an order of halo-halo to end this food trip on a sweet note!