Early morning mass-goers are in for a special gastronomic treay as The Promenade at Days Hotel Iloilo brings back MISA DE GALLO Breakfast Buffet. In time for the Filipino Mass Tradition, it will started today Dec. 16 until the 24th from 530am until 10am
Ilonggos will surely delight in the best breakfast buffet in town featuring a wide array of dishes and within this Christmas season, it featured an assortment of native delicacies that will make breakfast have a taste of home.
Today, on the first day of the traditional early morning mass, we found ourselves flooded with the goodness of native delicacies on top of their usual and already very satisfying line up of breakfast specialties.

For only PhP495/net/pax, here are just of the native food finds on top of the soups, bread, appetizers, salads and main course at Days Hotel Iloilo's Misa de Gallo Breakfast Buffet.
If you miss or enjoy "indulging" in native Pinoy delicacies, Days Hotel Iloilo's Misa de Gallo breakfast buffet will surely be a not-to-be-missed Christmas gastronomic event!