First time I was able to get hold of these was when my friends from Manila stayed at the Grand Hotel which right across the Central Market.While the others were sleeping, one of my friends decided to paint that part of the town red, so to speak. So of all places, we went in and around Central Market. We passed by a stall selling these mini turons on our way back and even at this kind of setting it were very inviting that time.

Luckily being in the vicinity of Central Market today brought me to this very stall (it’s the one at the corner of Rizal and Iznart streets near the Maria Clara statue and partly hidden by the market's corner facade) and right one time, I actually saw how it was prepared from the peeling of the banana to the actually deep frying.

Entrepreneurial skills perhaps dictated the size of this turon since it’s very easy to sell small pieces at very low price. Before it was a peso for this finger like turon but understandable that its 5 pesos per 4 pieces now. Despite located obscurely, the stall perhaps makes a killing with this turonettes since it’s the only one I've seen in that part of the market.

No matter how it will be called, it will still remain as a banana wrapped in lumpia wrapper deep fried with sugar.