It is always (almost) impossible to eat at any Mang Inasal especially during mealtime, so I took my chances around 5pm when it was less crowded. Normally, I'd prefer other chicken inasal houses but I had find out for myself why this is becoming almost the national icon for chicken inasal.

So there I was ordering the pecho and chicken liver (actually this was the reason in the first place, I was craving for chicken liver barbecue) and since the counter guy said it'll took a while for my order of chicken liver, I changed from table to table to find the best lighted, the well ventilated and the much less conspicuous part for I have this picture taking session.

I also took this waiting time to observe the ambiance and taking some pictures. Then I noticed the 3 condiment bottles, obviously vinegar and soy sauce in the extremes but had doubts if its really patis in the middle.
My order came and was sort of dismayed since the chicken inasal was not to its usual large size, maybe I was unlucky that time. But it was quickly made up by the chicken liver. I swear I can finish 5 sticks of those! I made my saw-sawan concoction mixing those 3 condiments with calamnansi.

I finally solved (well, almost) what was in the middle bottle, it was oily that I conclude that it was chili oil but it wasn't any near chili. Unable to stand the curiosity, I asked the unlimited-rice guy what was it and he said "chicken oil"! What the! Damn it! Aarghhh!

Almost that instant I flooded my saw-sawan with vinegar to overpower the oil (dont know if it really neutralized the oil) but at the same time to overpower the ginger essence that started to creep in my taste buds (I am not a fan, obviously)
Im glad that chicken liver saved the day, if not, then it'll be another ranting post for this order (but not for the restaurant since everybody and everything was great. Maybe my timing, an offpeak hour, was a good one for they can actually tend to each customer).