So why is it cursed? Well, I was doing my galletas photoshoot when the (main) camera of my phone, for the first time, "conked out". I had no idea what happened so I panicked. "Good" thing it was just a software glitch when I searched Google. If there was any consolation that time, I got to appreciate the taste of the galletas.

But it came out as fast as it conked out the next day. And I had my usual blogging trip in the city and again I bought three packs of galletas ( and other biscuits) to continue what I was up to.

"Soon" turned out to be a week after. A week filled with blog nightmares as my internet connection also had its share of problems. Consolation this time though was aside from finishing the cookies off (again) I got to explore the other features of the camera which almost made me want to throw it on the floor. I didn't know that it had these close up, portrait, landscape, etc features that could have been a very big help I most of my shots if I had known them before. Damn it!

Anyway, the camera "healed" itself yesterday afternoon and finally got my self new sets of (my long-delayed) galletas photos. And this entry is a testament to it.

And yes, I checked the camera a few seconds ago and it still works.