There's no secret here waiting to be revealed, just two popular beans and ways of cooking them.
Monggo and red beans are among the easiest to get legumes in the market today thus it follows that most karinderia's include them as staples in their menu.
Without contest, monggo is the most popular and one of the most versatile since this legume can be made into numerous dishes and even dessert too. But when one says monggo, usually it's ginisang monggo that comes to mind. Softened and sauteed beans with a variety of vegetables and meat or seafood. The possibilities are endless...
These red beans meanwhile may not be as popular but still a good. In fact it can be used as monggo substitute in most dished but you'll have to content with it's reddish hue when cooked -which really dont matter to me. Also, these red beans are often in lieu of kadyos, when it is not available when one cooks the popular dish, KBL. Thus it becomes RBL-lol.
Incidentally these two beans are my favorite hopia "flavours" from Eng Bee Tin Deli in Binondo. Really just love those hopia monggo and hopia red beans especially chilled.