After opening their "groundbreaking" branch along Diversion Road months ago, Ted's Oldtimer La Paz batchoy's newest branch located at Tagbak Terminal is now open to serve travelers in this part of Iloilo City.
Tagbak Terminal, in the outskirts of Jaro district, is undoubtedly the biggest among the three transport terminals serving travelers to and from Iloilo City - mainly those passengers going to the northern and central towns of Iloilo as well as to the provinces of Capiz and Aklan. The other two; Mohon in Villa and Ungka in the westside of Jaro, serves those going south and west-central towns of Iloilo.
With this newest branch, travelers can now start and/or end their days with a hot bowl of La Paz batchoy, in the comfort of probably the best food place (as of now) at Tagbak Terminal. It seems that Ted's Oldtimer is keen in it's goal of expanding it's La Paz batchoy empire and this surely won't be the last of it.

Photos courtesy of Ted's Oldtimer Facebook page