Now that the Holiday Season is about to come to an end, chances are there are some left overs in the fridge that will still make it into the first few days or weeks of the new year. Among them would probably that loaf of the (in)famous wine infused fruit cake. I used to detest fruit cakes because of their "liquor" content but over the years I learned to love it. Most of the time, if there's too much of fruit cake, I re-invent them and it usually ends in a cup - as a smoothie.

I just thrown in the usual ingredients like milk, sugar and chunks of fruit cake - if cookies are good then fruit cakes can also be in that league. There is no recipe, just imagine what would taste good with it or maybe what's on hand for I usually thrown in what and where my eyes can set upon.
But if drinking fruit cake is not for you then slicing them and putting them in the oven to bake or toast is another way of enjoying left over fruit cakes. Bon apetit!