An unlikely choice at an unlikely time, around 3pm. It was my curiosity for Kong Kee's Pancit Sun Yat Sen that lured me off my usual track.

Last Sunday's blog eats supposedly should have started at JD Food shop near St. Pauls. But when I got there around 11am, it was full of people that I decided to pass it over again. Another attempt for its Rice squares was thwarted!

So I just finished my errands then decided to think where to eat. This is the downside of food blogging for me; it is as if my blog dictates where I am to eat. After half an hour, I found myself snaking though the chaotic JM Basa Street on my way to Kong Kee Restaurant.

Even though I already knew what my order would be, I politely asked for the menu, you know what my purpose was (lol).

After giving an order for this pancit, the thought of eating at Kong Kee but not having their sio pao is almost a "crime" so I made a pahabol for one.So after my order, good enough for two, arrived, I spent few minutes "documenting" it for my blog.