Christmas is just around the corner and that means a lot of parties to attend to prior the big Noche Buena feast on the 24th. So have you already planned your menu? It's not too early nor too late to prepare a list of what will be on the Noche Buena table but for me it will certainly include these sweet treats I discovered last year - leche flan and ube halaya.

This ube halaya could as well pass as an ice cream (provided you serve it cold) for it has a creamy taste and texture that will make you rave and crave for more. It's very smooth and has this addicting taste of pure ube mixed with milk and cream that will surely outshine your previous ube halaya experience.

I have seen how this ube halaya was made from the preparation of ingredients to the tiresome mixing while it is being cooked to the actual packaging; good thing we just have the convenience of just ordering them. One spoonful of this ube halaya will certainly make you crave for more or your money back - just kidding!

And you'll surely love the leche flan too. Very smooth and creamy, but it has a tamed sweetness you'll certainly enjoy. It's among the most perfect leche flans I had from the looks and texture to the actual taste. Some leche flans readily fail because they don't look nice and/or taste good but this one it is very consistent that it almost exemplifies the phrase "Looks good, tastes even better".

But enough of this talking, why don't you try them for yourself and give me a pat on the back if it fits your taste or just throw them in my face if you don't - lol. Just contact Ninen Guyod through this mobile number 0926-193-8796 to order these sweet treats for only PhP100 per plastic container. Be sure to have your reservations early for he usually has LOTS of orders during regular days so how much more during Christmas.

Enjoy the holidays!