Now who wouldn't be craving for these ripe mangoes? I just happen to have these luscious mangoes at the Camiña Balay nga Kawayan in Guimaras a few months ago and they still "haunt" my gastronomic dreams. As Guimaras is famed for having among the sweetest mangoes in the whole world, even just in photos one can still see and almost taste how sweet they can be.
And surprisingly, I am not the only one who thinks so as in a matter of a little more than two days the topmost photo got more than 11,000 likes (and counting) on Flavours of Iloilo in Facebook. But more than the likes on social media, it is the mangoes themselves that created the buzz one their own for decades now. And come the Manggahan Festival by the second quarter of each year, Guimaras mangoes will again be on everybody's gastronomic radar. Eat all you can Guimaras mangoes, anyone?