I, unexpectedly, got this handy foodie guide as a Christmas gift. This recently launched book from Claude Tayag and Mary Ann Quioc is about their gastronomic journey around almost the 7107 islands of the country thus entitled LINAMNAM: Eating One's Way Around the Philippines.

It's a 300+ page book detailing what's good to eat and other gastronomic sidelights in major places in the country including ofcourse, Iloilo. I recently met Mr. Claude Tayag during a food competition at Esca's Garden Restaurant. He casually mentioned this book that he will launch soon and SOON turned out to be just 3 weeks after we've met.

So yesterday, I was surprised to receive this signed copy of Linamnam. When I got home, it was just the time when I got to read/scan it almost thoroughly even the acknowledgement page. Seeing some familiar Ilonggo foodie personalities and even food bloggers were also included to which I am familiar with most of them until ...

I got an even bigger surprise - I was one of them! I had no idea nor Mr. Claude Tayag mentioned it that time. It was like Oh My Blog moment, just like how most of these bloggers reacted. It's really an honour to be part of the book, but not just any book, it's THE book about food and gastronomy around the Philippines written by THE Claude Tayag and his wife, Mary Ann Quioc.

Now, this is more than a Christmas gift ... it's something that makes me suddenly speechless, lost for words .........
If I had known of this earlier I would have greatly considered attending the launching of this book last Dec. 1 at The Podium in Ortigas. :D