Somewhere in Jaro is a hole in the wall eating place that goes by the name "Kalan-an, Sulod Lang". Literally tanslated as "Eatery, Please come in", it is a homey as it can be as the owners welcome guests and visitors into certain parts of their house. A garden like ambiance welcomes diners to this literal homey restaurant with simple chairs and tables set up for the hungry crowd.

It may not much for some but the simplicity and the al fresco ambiance is a literal breath of fresh air to the most food places - from the fast food joints and posh restaurants to the turo turo and stalls along the streets. It's a sort of in between and for it to make good business even without much advertising then there must be something good to eat.

Relying on words of mouth, Sulod Lang (as I opt to call it), had been an open secret for a long time. I don't know for how long but I heard about this just last April and been very curious about it. It's not that very often you'd find a restaurant of this set up though there are some which really started in the confines of the owners homes and made it big. Afrique's in Jaro is among the best examples of these "home-grown" restaurants.

Known to be masters of heritage and Ilonggo cuisine, among the best sellers, I was told was the pata as it was made with slow cooked meat seasoned the typical Ilonggo way. But unfortunately that time, it wasn't cooked yet (they may have started boiling late maybe) so we just had Native Chicken Soup. It wasn't binakol nor tinola, I maybe wrong though, but it was as good as any of them for the taste of the free range chicken was oozing in every sip and every bite.

Beef strips made into Tapa were also good - seasoned and fried to almost perfection (a bit salty that time though). But it was still a very good eat deserving lots of rice. It looks freshly made and cooked contrary to the usual dark tapa one gets elsewhere. A dip in sinamak is the way I enjoyed it as the "fried" taste of the beef goes well with the extreme tanginess and spice of the native Ilonggo vinegar.

Then there's the fried chicken and it really was plain and simple - just with some spices and salt. One can really taste the chicken - the meat and skin, and see how it was fried "sarap to the bones" to borrow the tagline of a popular chicken restaurant. It also came with a vinegar dip that made it even more zesty and appetizing that we yearned for unlimited rice.

It was was not only a delicious lunch but also a very satisfying one - not just of the home made taste it brought but also cured my curiosity of the place which I have been eager to visit even the first time I've heard of it. And just as we were about to go out, the cook brought in a big batch of the popular Pata - with the out sabaw. And we can only salivate and look with envy to those who may have come just on time for a serving of this.

Nonetheless, it gave us (especially me) a very good reason to go back and enjoy the specialty of the house (pun intended) as I look forward to another gastronomic hour or two enjoying what more they could offer. Indeed, I'll just make my inside the house the not only welcomes you in but also satisfies your craving for good home cooked meals.
"Please come in and enjoy your meal"