Bamboo shoots locally known as tambo is a popular ingredient in some Ilonggo dishes. Most popular of which is ginata-ang tambo with tagabang (saluyot) and pasayan (shrimps) or alimango (crabs). Another dish is paklay, which is just sauteed tambo with ground meat and/or shrimps.

But eversince, I haven't really seen what it looked like prior making it into my plate. So it was a surprise when I finally saw these newly harvested bamboo shoots in our dirty kitchen. Not really enticing, but once the outer covering is scraped off and the dirty white inside is revealed, it then slowly becomes like the tambo we are familiar with.

It is sliced according to our needs; thin strips for paklay dishes or just thin slices mostly for ginataang tambo. It is boiled to soften and to get rid of the unwanted taste. Then it is ready for whatever it would become.