I just love their hopia monggo especially when hot off the oven or just came from the microwave. It's not your usual looking hopia yet tastes much better for me. It's a monggo-filled flattened flaky bread if it can't be considered as hopia. Though this one wasn't as good as the ones I had before.

Simple as it may seem, this pan de leche is among the best I have evert tried. Big and compact, you get your money's since it's not airy as the others and usually retains this perect shape even after a few days. Perfect for sandwiches of any kind or just on it's own!

One of the biggest panchos or pan de coco I have ever seen. I love it when it usually crips on top then soft and chewy in the middle. Plus the yummy desiccated coconut filing, what more can you ask for!

Lastly, the teren-teren - named after how these filled breads are connected like train cabooses. Just simple breads with sweet filling and best eaten when right off the oven.