Whenever we cook any sotanghon dish at home, we always use the MARCA PATO brand. It's a locally made sotanghon yet it would put other brands to shame - even those imported ones. Whether it's for a sotanghon soup dish or just dry "pancit sotanghon", it is the perfect brand to use. It has thick, soft and glassy noodles that would even "upstage" the garnishing and even the meat added to the pancit or soup.

I was in the grocery looking for my favorite sotanghon brand MARCA PATO. I had to be careful since there is also a MARCA PABO brand.
Then I was really surprised to see a Marca MANOK brand. No kidding!But when I thought I had enough, my eyes fell on PENGUIN and PEACOCK brands!
Quickly I went out the ...grocery with out buying any sotanghon.
I went back a few days after (not to buy but to amuse myself) and was I surprised to see MARCA PIGEON
Still few days after, I saw a new one, MAYA.
So what's next? DOVE, OSTRICH or EAGLE?