Much has been said about people going for “green” and sustainable practices. Weather changes abruptly and the globe goes warm- hence everyone gives “greening” a second thought. Whether it be in daily routines or in building and maintaining homes, “green” is in. There is, however, the perception that green is posh and therefore not affordable. Well, perceptions are often without basis. Green is in fact, inexpensive…
What is a green home? It is a house that uses environment-friendly designs and affordable construction materials thus making a house a home. Such features bring the owner closer to owning a sustainable eco-friendly home that allows saving on electricity and water. It is a home that allows one to experience new, comfortable, and easy lifestyle which is certainly worth having. Such a home is now within your reach.
Greenovate Corporation is Cebu's leading supplier of eco-friendly and healthful building materials. It is the sister company of Vazbuilt Cebu Corporation, maker of prefab concrete panels.
It aims to build you a quality Green Home in your own lot. It aims to market and sell affordable Green Homes in the Visayas and Mindanao regions. The company has a team of architects and engineers to customize or personalize your own dream Green Home. Now, you can have a customized home based on your preference, design and budget- your own personal choice.
Committed to the ideals green design and construction, the company provides highly engineered method of constructing buildings for residential and commercial purposes. Its diverse product collection—built upon high standards for integrity, quality, and sustainability—includes a range of flooring, roofing, paints, insulations, plumbing, electrical, carpentry and green features.
Green homes are energy efficient, comfortable, healthy and safe, durable, environmentally responsible and are designed and built as a system. With green homes, one can save money and live more comfortably through the increased energy efficiency of home. Aside from breathing healthier air indoors, one also contributes in helping save the environment.
As the company is starting to build innovations for Green Homes and buildings, its construction price is pegged within P15, 000 per square-meter to P22, 000 per square-meter range. The price is reasonable considering the benefits that one can get from living in a Green Home.
Prefabricated, or modular, home construction is enjoying a renaissance in the booming green building market. Some people may think that prefab or modular building connotes cold uniformity, but Greenovate Corporation has made innovations and systems to customize your own Green Home.
What is Prefab?
The basic principle of prefab construction is that sections of a home, or modules, are built in a controlled factory environment, transported to a project site upon completion, and then connected and placed onto a foundation. Depending on the complexity of the home, designers can employ anywhere from two to 50 structurally connected pieces.
Most often, prefab is associated with highly modern design. Modern design is typically characterized by clean lines, strong forms, use of materials in their natural state, and little to no added decoration.
Prefab is practical and cost-effective. It does not require special skills or heavy equipment, which allows for easy assembling and dismantling of components for expansion and home improvements. Due to the simple construction requirement, a construction of Green Home takes less time to build with lesser workforce. With this distinct feature, the future owner of a prefab home saves from construction labor expenses.
Why is Prefab Green?
Prefab design & construction offers a number of unique opportunities to accomplish these goals:
1. The control available in a factory environment allows the designer / builder to be very precise with material planning and use – there is very little waste left when compared to standard construction techniques.
2. Hard-to-find green materials can be bought in bulk and used over many projects, minimizing delays and ensuring that no “short cuts” are taken due to unavailable materials.
3. This bulk purchasing and the delivery of a small number of completed modules to the home site dramatically reduces pollution from transportation to and from the site.
4. The disturbance of the home construction site can be minimized because there is no need to stage and store large amounts of material onsite for extended periods. A good prefab contractor might clear only the house footprint itself and enough room to deliver the completed modules.
In addition to being green, these elements also help to keep costs down and shorten the overall project timeline. Materials can be bought in bulk at attractive prices. Skilled craftsmen can be fully employed and can work on modules for many prefab homes at a time. And, the indoor construction process eliminates delays and damage due to weather conditions.
These features make prefab attractive and advantageous.
ROOF: Onduline or Onduvilla Roof Sheets
Onduline or Onduvilla is the multipurpose long lasting & extremely tough lightweight corrugated roofing and wall cladding material manufactured from bitumen saturated with cellulose fibres under intense pressure and heat.

The following are the green advantages of using the product:
With good design, the Louver Windows reduce the reliance on power hungry air conditioning systems and electric lighting. To create cross flow ventilation, window openings are needed on opposite sides of a room to allow fresh air to enter, flow through the room and then exit.

When it comes to cross flow ventilation, the larger the openings, the greater the cooling effect. This is where Louvre Windows are ideal as they open twice as wide as regular windows, and therefore offer twice as much fresh, cooling ventilation.
WATER SUPPLY: Rain Water Catchment Basins
Rainwater collection removes the need for the energy and chemicals used to produce pure drinking water - unnecessary if all we’re going to do is clean the car with it or flush it down the toilet. It also reduces the need for the pumping of main water, and the energy use, pollution and CO2 emissions that go with it.
Moreover, it reduces demand on rivers and groundwater. Rrainwater is soft, and leaves no limescale; washing clothes in soft water requires less detergent and so reduces water pollution from these compounds. Plants love rainwater; it doesn’t contain chlorine, which is thought to be carcinogenic. Large-scale collection of rainwater can further reduce run-off and therefore the risk of flooding.
TOILET: American Standard Dual Flush System
Dual flush toilets have two buttons for flushing instead of one button common among traditional toilets. The different buttons are used for various amounts of water depending on how much is needed to flush your waste. This model can save almost two thirds of the water you would normally use for flushing, and which in turn can lead to great savings in water bills.
According to research studies, today a dual flush can save as much as 67% water used in the toilet. The two different choices of button for flushing in dual flushes use different technology than a typical American toilet and uses gravity to help in waste removal. This means that the water level is lower than in other types of toilets, and this technology adds to its water-saving features.
LIGHTING: Green World LED Light Fixtures
LED products last up to 50 times longer than the typical life of an incandescent bulb (1,000 hours) and 5 times that of the average compact florescent (CFL, 10,000 hours). Customers benefit by choosing the traditional look of warm white lighting or the crisp cool white version that is the signature look of LED lighting.
In keeping with our commitment to environmental outlook and to ensure maximum performance and life, LED products do not have easy to break filament and do not contain mercury. LEDs consume up to 80% less electricity than light bulbs. Traditional light bulbs convert 90% of the electricity to heat and only about 10% to light. In contrast, LEDs convert about 90% of the electricity to light and lasts about fifty times longer than light bulbs.
WASTE DISPOSAL: Waste Segregation Facility
Waste segregation is the process by which waste is separated into different elements. It means division of waste into dry and wet waste. Dry waste includes paper, cardboard, glass, tin cans etc. Wet waste, on the other hand, refers to organic wastes such as vegetable peels, left-over food etc.
Homeowners will be educated about the value of 4Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle and recover.
AIRCON: Edward Marcs Solar Assisted Aircon
Sedna Aire Solar Assisted Air Conditioning uses the sun as a source of heat to provide the energy needed to drive the cooling process. This process is very efficient, since most of the condenser and evaporator coil face is being utilized.
The basic thermodynamic process is not a conventional thermodynamic cooling process based on Charles Law. Instead, it is based on evaporation, carrying heat, in the form of fast-moving (hot) molecules from one material to another material that preferentially absorbs hot molecules.
The Sedna Aire Solar Assisted Air Conditioning system cools by evaporating liquid R407c. The absorption medium inside the Solar panel acts as a storage tank to maintain the required temperatures needed for the cooling process. With the Solar Absorption tank, the cooling process is maintained for approximately 96 hours without the need of the Sun’s heat. The heated medium also acts as an absorbent to the refrigerant through the solar panel process. With this process, Sedna Aire maintains its energy required for the cooling of the controlled space.
FLOOR: APO Engineered Real Wood
The best engineered wood floors are built having 3-12 multiple ply layers that are cross layered, glued and pressed together. The inner core layers are generally built up with either a hardwood and/or soft plywood type of material, which incorporates the tongue and groove system. The top thicker hardwood veneer wear layer is then glued and pressed on the top surface of the core. Engineered hardwood flooring is available in almost any wood species.
The benefits of using engineered wood floors include better resistance to higher moisture levels than solid wood flooring, which adds to their appeal when used in damp basements or in regions of the country that have higher relative humidity levels. Also, engineered flooring can be direct glued-down over (dry) concrete slabs above or below grade or stapled down over a wood subfloor.
HEATER: Empire Sun Water Heater
The solar water heater utilizes collectors to capture solar energy as heat. By using sunshine to heat or preheat your water, you can cut your water heating bill in half. The average life expectancy of qualified solar water heating systems is 20 years, much longer than standard gas or electric storage water heaters.
HOME SPA: Tibiao Fish Spa at Home
Tibiao Fish Spa offers a one-of-a-kind experience by mingling the relaxing and exfoliating effects of fish nibbling on a person’s layer of dead skin. More than its natural and organic way of cleaning your feet, it is totally safe, totally fun, and very relaxing.
You don’t have to travel far to get that much needed-spa for respite. You can have it right within your home – calmly and naturally.
What is a green home? It is a house that uses environment-friendly designs and affordable construction materials thus making a house a home. Such features bring the owner closer to owning a sustainable eco-friendly home that allows saving on electricity and water. It is a home that allows one to experience new, comfortable, and easy lifestyle which is certainly worth having. Such a home is now within your reach.
Greenovate Corporation Builds Green Homes
Greenovate Corporation is Cebu's leading supplier of eco-friendly and healthful building materials. It is the sister company of Vazbuilt Cebu Corporation, maker of prefab concrete panels.
Committed to the ideals green design and construction, the company provides highly engineered method of constructing buildings for residential and commercial purposes. Its diverse product collection—built upon high standards for integrity, quality, and sustainability—includes a range of flooring, roofing, paints, insulations, plumbing, electrical, carpentry and green features.
Building Affordable Houses
Green homes are energy efficient, comfortable, healthy and safe, durable, environmentally responsible and are designed and built as a system. With green homes, one can save money and live more comfortably through the increased energy efficiency of home. Aside from breathing healthier air indoors, one also contributes in helping save the environment.
WALLS: Vazbuilt PRE-FAB Concrete PanelsPrefabricated, or modular, home construction is enjoying a renaissance in the booming green building market. Some people may think that prefab or modular building connotes cold uniformity, but Greenovate Corporation has made innovations and systems to customize your own Green Home.
The basic principle of prefab construction is that sections of a home, or modules, are built in a controlled factory environment, transported to a project site upon completion, and then connected and placed onto a foundation. Depending on the complexity of the home, designers can employ anywhere from two to 50 structurally connected pieces.
Most often, prefab is associated with highly modern design. Modern design is typically characterized by clean lines, strong forms, use of materials in their natural state, and little to no added decoration.
Prefab is practical and cost-effective. It does not require special skills or heavy equipment, which allows for easy assembling and dismantling of components for expansion and home improvements. Due to the simple construction requirement, a construction of Green Home takes less time to build with lesser workforce. With this distinct feature, the future owner of a prefab home saves from construction labor expenses.
Prefab design & construction offers a number of unique opportunities to accomplish these goals:
1. The control available in a factory environment allows the designer / builder to be very precise with material planning and use – there is very little waste left when compared to standard construction techniques.
2. Hard-to-find green materials can be bought in bulk and used over many projects, minimizing delays and ensuring that no “short cuts” are taken due to unavailable materials.
3. This bulk purchasing and the delivery of a small number of completed modules to the home site dramatically reduces pollution from transportation to and from the site.
4. The disturbance of the home construction site can be minimized because there is no need to stage and store large amounts of material onsite for extended periods. A good prefab contractor might clear only the house footprint itself and enough room to deliver the completed modules.
These features make prefab attractive and advantageous.
ROOF: Onduline or Onduvilla Roof Sheets
Onduline or Onduvilla is the multipurpose long lasting & extremely tough lightweight corrugated roofing and wall cladding material manufactured from bitumen saturated with cellulose fibres under intense pressure and heat.
The following are the green advantages of using the product:
- Environment- Friendly
- Non-asbestos
- Tough & Flexible
- Lightweight
- Weatherproof
- High Sound Absorbency
- Resists Chemicals & Corrosions
- Resistant to Rot & Fungus
- Easy Installation & Handling
- Maintenance Free
- Economical & Long Lasting
With good design, the Louver Windows reduce the reliance on power hungry air conditioning systems and electric lighting. To create cross flow ventilation, window openings are needed on opposite sides of a room to allow fresh air to enter, flow through the room and then exit.
When it comes to cross flow ventilation, the larger the openings, the greater the cooling effect. This is where Louvre Windows are ideal as they open twice as wide as regular windows, and therefore offer twice as much fresh, cooling ventilation.
WATER SUPPLY: Rain Water Catchment Basins
Rainwater collection removes the need for the energy and chemicals used to produce pure drinking water - unnecessary if all we’re going to do is clean the car with it or flush it down the toilet. It also reduces the need for the pumping of main water, and the energy use, pollution and CO2 emissions that go with it.
TOILET: American Standard Dual Flush System
Dual flush toilets have two buttons for flushing instead of one button common among traditional toilets. The different buttons are used for various amounts of water depending on how much is needed to flush your waste. This model can save almost two thirds of the water you would normally use for flushing, and which in turn can lead to great savings in water bills.
LIGHTING: Green World LED Light Fixtures
LED products last up to 50 times longer than the typical life of an incandescent bulb (1,000 hours) and 5 times that of the average compact florescent (CFL, 10,000 hours). Customers benefit by choosing the traditional look of warm white lighting or the crisp cool white version that is the signature look of LED lighting.
WASTE DISPOSAL: Waste Segregation Facility
Waste segregation is the process by which waste is separated into different elements. It means division of waste into dry and wet waste. Dry waste includes paper, cardboard, glass, tin cans etc. Wet waste, on the other hand, refers to organic wastes such as vegetable peels, left-over food etc.
Homeowners will be educated about the value of 4Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle and recover.
AIRCON: Edward Marcs Solar Assisted Aircon
Sedna Aire Solar Assisted Air Conditioning uses the sun as a source of heat to provide the energy needed to drive the cooling process. This process is very efficient, since most of the condenser and evaporator coil face is being utilized.
The basic thermodynamic process is not a conventional thermodynamic cooling process based on Charles Law. Instead, it is based on evaporation, carrying heat, in the form of fast-moving (hot) molecules from one material to another material that preferentially absorbs hot molecules.
FLOOR: APO Engineered Real Wood
The best engineered wood floors are built having 3-12 multiple ply layers that are cross layered, glued and pressed together. The inner core layers are generally built up with either a hardwood and/or soft plywood type of material, which incorporates the tongue and groove system. The top thicker hardwood veneer wear layer is then glued and pressed on the top surface of the core. Engineered hardwood flooring is available in almost any wood species.
HEATER: Empire Sun Water Heater
The solar water heater utilizes collectors to capture solar energy as heat. By using sunshine to heat or preheat your water, you can cut your water heating bill in half. The average life expectancy of qualified solar water heating systems is 20 years, much longer than standard gas or electric storage water heaters.
HOME SPA: Tibiao Fish Spa at Home
Tibiao Fish Spa offers a one-of-a-kind experience by mingling the relaxing and exfoliating effects of fish nibbling on a person’s layer of dead skin. More than its natural and organic way of cleaning your feet, it is totally safe, totally fun, and very relaxing.
You don’t have to travel far to get that much needed-spa for respite. You can have it right within your home – calmly and naturally.
If you'd like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with the Green Home Sales and Marketing Executive, please call or text Flord Nicson J. Calawag at 0917-6315777 / 0919-8139893 or e-mail the management at*PR written by Flord Nicson Calawag
1. Product presentation
2. Submission of lot plan / Engagement fee = PHP35, 000.00
3. Site inspection
4. Schematic drawings
5. Cost estimates and formal proposal
6. Confirmation of agreement / full downpayment
7. Working drawings
8. Buildings & subdivision permits
9. Pre-construction meeting with project-in-charge
10. Materials take off
11. Mobilization
12. Construction proper
13. Walk through with the engineer
14. Turn-over of house unit