This Century Tuna sisig is actually another experiment that turned out quite good and eventually becoming a "recipe" for me. One day I got tired of the usual ginisang tuna recipe that I decided to add more seasonings. I experimented on soy sauce then eventually vinegar (being the only other seasoning at hand) for more flavour.
I then decided to cook it dry but it became too dry that I decided to put more oil and toasted it a little more. It became an instant hit even though I did nothing special but throw in the available seasonings that time. Thus my Century Tuna Sisig was born. I decided to experiment more by adding more onions plus chopped chilis before taking it away from the fire thus making it more sisig tasting and looking.
I then decided to cook it dry but it became too dry that I decided to put more oil and toasted it a little more. It became an instant hit even though I did nothing special but throw in the available seasonings that time. Thus my Century Tuna Sisig was born. I decided to experiment more by adding more onions plus chopped chilis before taking it away from the fire thus making it more sisig tasting and looking.
It's a "Quickfire" dish for it can be done in 10 minutes or so. No fancy ingredients nor cooking techniques, just knowing your palate. First, let the tuna "boil until dry" in vinegar (or water with sinigang mix), soy sauce and crushed garlic to give it some adobo flavour. Then add oil and fry to desired "consistency" (tostado? much better). Finally add onions and chilis then remove from heat and serve.