The place is small, only 5 tables, making a homey and unpretentious ambiance. They only have a few items on their wall menu plus some turo-turo items for lunch with some breads and pastries on display.

My order arrived, the palabok looked and smelled enticing plus the breads were inviting. It was a good thing that I was the only customer that time and the staff was busy chatting so they didn't see (or pretend not to) what I was doing. Thankfully it was a quick session, since most pictures were clear enough, for I was really hungry.

The palabok was good and even though I was surprised it cost PhP 53, it was well worth it and I did not feel shortchanged. You'll find seafood mix the swimming under the sauce.

The breads were both good and priced just right (Php12 and Php13). I liked the contrast of the "hard" sugar (as topping) to the soft bread. I felt satisfied that I brought home two of each (and for better pictures too.)

It was really a satisfying experience and there would be more soon. Just like what Inday Hami told me during the EB, there are things better done in three's.
You bet!
I found a very good article about Balbi's while Googling. Enjoy reading