In this part of the country, piaya is among the most popular pasalubong item. Originating from the region touted as the sugar bowl of the country, this famous treat is a delight to those who have a sweet tooth. Characterized by its flat (mostly) circular sahpe, flaky outside and sweet filling, piaya is among the most identifiable pasalubong item.

In Iloilo, almost all pasalubong brands have piaya in their roster of items and my favorite piaya comes from PJ Delicacies (which also happens to make one of my favorite butterscotch). The first thing I liked about it is simply it's being neatly and tighly packed in clear plastic showing the contents "inside out". This prevents the piaya from crumbling and breaking apart during handling unlike other brands. But it doesn't end there. 

What you see is what you get ... to taste. For something this thin you'll be surprised to see and taste how it is fully filled without compromise. And yes it do taste fresh unlikesoem brands which has this "spoiled" after taste. Though molasses (the filling) tastes almost quite the same, this piaya has one of the freshest taste I've encountered.

So if you're looking which piaya brand to buy as pasalubong or just eat for your gastronomic enjoyment, try to look for the one made by PJ Delicacies. Im sure it will be a good buy and of goo eat.