If one can’t get enough of baye baye, chances are this native delicacy sold in plates were especially made for them. Baye baye usually comes in packs of five but for special orders one can have the natural goodness of it in bigger servings – baye baye on a plate.
Got this Dolping’s baye baye as a token during a stint and literally this one disappeared in no time. One of the more popular brands, Dolping’s has transcended from the usual baye baye products and packaging.
They have one of the better packaged baye baye in the market today and as evidenced by its quick disappearing act, one of the best baye baye around – flavourful, sticky and taste that one will surely look forward too.
While going rounds for baye baye last Halloween, we discovered big packs of Yong’s baye baye on our second try. While most plated ones are by special order lucky for us this one was on display - maybe they just anticipated it given the season. Each one cost PhP120, around six regular packs of baye baye (though they are sold at three for PhP 50).
Surprisingly for a new brand it tasted good and as trademarked by the baye baye on the Sta. Barbara side of Brgy. Cabugao Sur, it was more grainy and less sticky.
This one was from a few months ago given by a neighbour who got some special orders for an occasion. Looks appetizing seeing those coconut strips literally almost jumping of the baye baye which is very unusual for baye baye. It also tasted good but I had no idea about the maker of this unlikely looking but flavourful baye baye.