This latest blogquest for the best chicken inasal in the city can be summarized in one word; unexpected. First it wasn't planned days ahead, it just popped out when my friend and I were looking for a place to have dinner.I immediately banned JD and Coffeebreak. I didn't feel Pancake House or Max’s either that time so we headed to Jo's Chicken Haus but eventually dropped the idea.

All of a sudden, he said let's try Fort Manukan at SanMars Point and I hailed a taxi without protesting for I was bloggingly eager to be there.As expected of an unplanned visit, we had a hard time looking for a table since the restaurant itself it small, only around six tables plus 4 other makeshifts when in demand.

And there were lots of people too making it a sort of an inuman that time. It was also expensive as compared with the other chicken house I've been through. A pecho costs PhP 69 plus PhP 15 for plain rice.Even though I had a lot of waiting time that could have been used to get pictures of the ambiance, I wasn't able to shoot since it was dark and of course, the crowd.

Fifteen minutes later, my order came and I then knew why they took the longest when serving. The inasal was cooked right after being order not pre cooked and heated like the most. It was cooked just right; nicely grilled in the outside yet not dry inside.

It tasted great as it looked and smelled making this the most unexpected of all the "unexpectations" that time. Though they have a limited operating time (10am to 2pm and 5pm towards midnight) and menu (but the waiter said around 15 items to be added soon), this is definitely worth more visits.