I trooped to Barrio Inasal's more convenient branch along Delgado Street to continue my quest for the best chicken inasal in town. It was past the busy lunch period when I came in so ordering was just a breeze. I was just dismayed that they don’t have chicken liver inasal.

Pecho will be my standard order for this quest and other side orders don’t matter though that time there was no more turo-turo food items left. I chose to sit on the spot where my picture taking session wouldn't be obvious and it was only after starting my photograph session that I regretted it since I was facing their barbecue counter thus their workers were all eyes on me.
Anyway, their condiment bottles were sort of a deja vu since it was exactly like those in my first quest (see Mang Inasal). Only the absence of the third bottle (chicken oil) reminded me I am in another restaurant.

This branch of Barrio Inasal has a more modern ambiance compared to their other branches. With modern furniture and surrounding, it lacks any native feel.

My order arrived in record time, less than 5 minutes! The chicken inasal was just as I expected, mutilated pecho part with enticing chicken skin and meat smothered with achuete-based basting sauce. It came with a spoonful or atchara and a cup of rice.

My first bite of the inasal was without the dip (calamansi-soy sauce-vinegar/sinamak) and it was juicy and marinated to perfection but it was not hot enough. I continued eating without dipping it to savour the flavour even more.
It was almost halfway through when I decided to "take a dip" but continued eating without it. That time I was still using spoon and fork but decided to eat with bare hands when it was "cleaning up the chicken" time.
It was almost halfway through when I decided to "take a dip" but continued eating without it. That time I was still using spoon and fork but decided to eat with bare hands when it was "cleaning up the chicken" time.

UPDATE: This branch is now closed and the only remaining branch is their main branch at the American Compound vicinity near Esca's Garden Resto