It was a short ride from the "Carlos" junction to this snack shop and even though I theoretically know where it was, I was still all eyes during the my travel. But luckily they had a very big signage that proclaimed "We serve the BEST mami, sio pao and sio mai in town". Now that got me gastronomically excited.

Simple interiors of Jiecel and Thea's Refreshment makes you conentrate more on the food rather than the ambiance.
It was around 1030am when I finally got there to see a sort of family brunch on going occupying half of the snack shop. But fortunately they were almost finished and within minutes I had the whole snack shop to myself.

I ordered what I came for, a (large) sio pao and sio mai. And when they came it was the usual clicks and flashes. Good thing the staff were busy fixing something that there were no inquisitive eyes from all directions.

Then it was judgment time ..... >>>