Ocean City Seafood Restaurant is among the more popular and established restaurants in Iloilo City. From it's humble beginnings as a big native themed food place right beside the Iloilo River and the Diversion Road bridge (where Barbecue Park is located), it has evolved into a much modern restaurant half a kilometer away.

My food memories about Ocean City always had been their native Ilonggo cuisine and the view of the Iloilo river while enjoying them. Now only the former is "available" since with their current set-up and location, the river view is only found in our memories. I havent been there recently to check if they've extended their restaurant. But fortunately they still serve native Ilonggo cuisine despite their overhaul of their menu and now is more of a restaurant with a Chinese feel.

This restaurant along Gen. Luna Street as actually two sections, an open air turo-turo area serving native ilonggo and filipino dishes. There you can choose among their dispaly of dishes which includes my all time favorite KBL (kadyos-baboy-langka) and linaga. It has a modern carinderia feel which makes you "come and eat as you are". It's also a favorite place to "take out" when we don't feel like cooking at home.
The other section is the airconditioned and "formal" section wherein one enjoys most Chinese dishes.