Piking are fried cassava shavings layered with caramelized sugar. I thought they were thinly kamote at first since they tasted like kamotecue. He said all "piking" cooking were centralized into one area some town of the province so that it will be organized.

Packed in plastic bags, vendors just go to this area to buy them then sell them (with a PhP2 mark up) for Php12. Not bad though I really want to have more and hopefully it will be conveniently available soon.
Its really an addicting snack from the first bite. Its like eating (potato) chips with caramel. I hope I can find this one in the city since this was could have came all the way from Antique.
Here's another usual treat but coming from the supposed Bandi Capital of Western Visayas, Brgy. Quianan in San Joaquin, Iloilo, it become a special treat on its own.