Can you keep a secret? Modern day kutsintas are made out of all-purpose flour. What is kutsinta, you may ask? Well, it is a native rice cake in the Philippines made from rice flour and lye water. It is brown in color and sticky in texture.

Anyway, I’m not saying that the kutsinta that is made of all-purpose flour doesn’t taste good but in my opinion, it has a less appealing taste to me. Unlike rice flour (now this is the secret that I was talking about), it makes the kutsinta delicious. The stickiness of the kutsinta (thanks to lye) gives texture to it, therefore making it feel good to eat. The sweetness is just right and best topped with grated coconut. It is also best served when cold since it would become firm and easier to eat. Kutsinta makes a very good dessert or “pang yam-is” and is also served during meriendas. Read complete article

Photos and text snippets from an article
written by Michellene Mae T. Trava
published online @ iLOVEiloilo