I've been here many times but this is the first one with blogging in mind.

It was actually an unexpected text message from EricD of www.byahilo.com asking me where he can find chicken binakol since he was craving for one. I gave him Breakthrough Restaurant (having seen it featured on TV) and Buto't Balat having this actually part of our order before.

Eric chose Buto't Balat and luckily I was in the vicinity so we decided on a late-lunch EB. I didn't actually raved about Buto't Balat's chicken binakol before but their sisig keeps me craving for more. I already knew what orders will be even before we even met that time.

Indeed it was a native chicken binakol (PhP 188, PhP152 for broiler chicken) and sizzling sisig (Php168). Since EricD has also started a food blog www.sugarloaded.com, it was another great meeting sharing passion for food, photography and blogging. The place offered a good blogging ambiance that time since there wasn't a crowd and picture taking around the restaurant was just a breeze.

But the hard part of a food bloggers meet is that no matter how hungry you are, picture taking will always be the most important and often the first part. Of course you gave to style the food, choose the right angle, correct lighting and setting that took us another 15 minutes on top of the 20 minute waiting time.

As I have said before Buto't Balat branch located along Solis Street seems like an oasis in this "concrete desert" part of the city. It has a native ambiance in and around just like a real oasis, a pool is a great addition. The main hall is native all throughout; tables, chairs, blinds, lighting fixtures, even the menu. They also have a few cottages and a bar-counter if ever it becomes an SRO crowd.

Well it was worth it after, from the pictures we got to actually how the food tasted. The sisig was still the great tasting one I like; crunchy and well seasoned, just perfect! And Eric's chicken binakol? I'm glad he liked it and eventually I liked it too as compared to the just okay rating I gave it during my last visit.