I know this post will be greeted with raised eyebrows - lol. But knowing me and my experimental tendencies this is just the norm. It's not actually a real sinigang in the sense of it but just sauteed (canned) pink salmon with a sour broth.

This actually started with canned mackerel before. I fried the mackerel first to give it a "crisp" outside. I then remove the mackerel then saute onion, garlic, tomatoes and chillies. I then pour the mackerel broth, add water and sinigang mix and serve with the mackerel on top. The combination of hot-spicy and sour broth plus the sauteed taste of the mackerel unleashes the rice monster in me - lol.

And this pink salmon almost tasted the same plus with some kamote leaves, it was really a simple guilty pleasure.