Nang Palang's seems to have cursed me eversince (lol!). All of my trips there always seem to bring home some disappointment. The latest one is their bingka.
A few blogposts ago, I featured there bingka with that very yummy coconut filling and topping. I didn't mention though that the bingka itself almost borders the line of being a hardened mamon, I let it pass though thinking I may have been unlucky that tiem to have the last piece.

So I eagerly suggested to Lee to try Nang Palang's bingka and we really went to their store a few days ago. Good thing I called for reservation since when we got there, ours were the only bingkas left. Both Lee and I really were in good mood upon seeing those bingkas. It looked and smelled really delicious that we can't wait to devour them.

Arriving home, I wasted no time taking photos and when it was time to eat them, I was in for a big disappointment. A really, really big one! It was worse than my previous bingka from the way it looked in the inside to how it actually tasted. I even texted Lee and apologized for this huge blunder (my second for that day - the first one having our Mohon bingka order taken by another customer).
Despite this bingka setback,Nang Palang's buko pies still are the best there is! Dont miss them.