Roberto's chicken bihon was plain and simple. Not even a few leaves of cabbage and strips of carrots can manage to make it more appetizing to look at plus just a few pieces of chicken visible on top. But what caught my interest the most was the kind of bihon they used. It was thick, probably 2-3 times that of the usual bihon I know.

I thought it was a wrong order but when I finally got a taste of Roberto's chicken bihon, I now know why noodle dishes are popular from this restaurant. It was packed with flavour and chicken pieces kept on "hatching" underneath! I totally forgot how unappetizing it looked nor how thick their bihon was since I was totally engrossed in enjoying my snack.

Their bihon upclose. Looks like more of a sotanghon but certainly and undeniably bihon with a capital B.