I'll be sending a former officemate some Ilonggo delicacies next week. From the usual yemas and buttered toasts to boneless dilis and a "ref magnet". But one request "got" me. It was for a "thick piaya".

Piayas are usually thin yet some manage bakeshops to "get some air" into these. But it wasn't that either that she wants. She wanted a fully filled thick piaya that almost resembles like hopia in one way or another.

I found the answer while browsing over my blogs photos album, they've got to be these piayas from Wewin's! As if she dreamt about these piayas and craved when she woke up. (lol)
Just to be sure I bought a "sample" for a taste test and for a visual confirmation if they really are these ones. Haven't received the confirmation though, but I surely loved them myself that I got to finish a pack of 5's in less than 5 minutes after more than 15 minutes of photosession.