Speaking at the SME Otop Fair last July 13, 2009, de Vera also witnessed the launching of Iloilo Brand that depicts the Arroyo Fountain fronting the provincial Capitol here with words "Iloilo's Finest" to be incorporated in packaging of local products and stickers showing the best of Iloilo products and services. >>> Read complete article
For the Philippines, Mr. Cristobal said, registering the products as GIs will help prevent their misuse and misrepresentation. Using the indicator for branding will help a product increase its market share in the country and abroad, Cristobal said.
He cited Saranggani province for having registered two marks: the “Saranggani Golden Mango” and “Sarap Saranggani.” Bulacan branded its famous sweets “Tatak Bulacan.” Tarlac has registered “Natural Tarlac,” positioning the province as a source of natural and organic products, while Pampanga has “Vida Pampanga” for its delicacies. >>> Read Complete article

Going back to the topic, my only concern and question is that, will this Iloilo's Finest tagline be obligatory to all products and brands or just limited to really the real FINEST brands and products. I hope it's the latter but then who will choose/decide if it is really fitting to be "tagged" as one? I mean, there could be products that are not really Iloilo's finest but backed by very influential people or politicians and on the other hand some really good products but coming from a small business. The list continues but and only time will tell if this thrust will really push through.